Saturday, April 12, 2008

What does the 2008 Gourmet Traveller, 'Best New Talent' chef look for in a blog?

Hi Jackie

Just a quick note to say thankyou for the “dish of the month” write-up on your blog.

Its blogs like yours that give blogs a good name because of-

1. a great photo (I really like blogs but hate it when I see a crap photo of my food that makes it look awful….)

2. A clear understanding of food and what makes a great dish

3. A genuine passion for food and the industry (not a try hard fascination i.e. you live it as do I)

4. Perspective- being able to compare because you have invested your hard earned on travelling and eating out at great places

5. Support- You realise that we are all in this together i.e. Customer, Chef, Wait staff, Supplier, Restaurateur, Grower and we all have to push and try to be better if we want Melbourne to be taken as seriously as other food capitals around the world.

... [and other unrelated bits]...

Kind regards

Well I am more than a little flattered that Ben Shewry has taken time out of his busy day to be bothered reading my blog, let alone email me such a concise thank you.

I asked Ben if it would be okay to share this email, as I thought it was incredibly interesting from a bloggers perspective, what a key person in the industry thinks of blogs.

Personally, I share his thoughts, am very fussy about what I read online and read some sources for education and others just for entertainment.

Bens mention of support for the industry, is an inspiring concept that is indicative of the important links between all the players of the restaurant industry, including the diner. Of course, this also includes all styles of media that dine, and then write about their experience. Therefore we all have important input, into an industry we love.

So, I am now conscientious to keep my socks pulled up and my blog looking smart. What do you think?


  1. How wonderful. I ate at Attica last week and can concur that it was sensational. Definitely some of the best, most creative dishes I have eaten in a while. Now I just have to go back on a Tuesday night.


  2. Jack,
    What a wonderful note for you to receive - well done!
