Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bone marrow, again

Oh I just can't help myself.
I had so much fun first time around, I've now eaten this dish again, in Melbourne and again it was attributed to Mr Fergus Henderson himself.
No tricks, it was not at the European again and no, I did not have the pleasure of seeing Fergus cook at the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.
So where did I eat his dish of roast bone marrow with a parsley salad and croutons, a la 'St John'?
Any ideas?


  1. Gabrielle Hamiltons lunch??

  2. It's a good site but a shame they don't have RSS feeds.

  3. I enjoyed this dish at The Melbourne Food and Wine Festivals Masterclass, prepared by Gabrielle Hamilton.
    Gabrielle had wanted to prepare 'foie gras of the sea', monkfish liver but could not source it in Australia so served this dish as she serves it in NYC. The cornichons are an addition.
